Smoking May Increase Bad Cholesterol Levels
Smoking for some people has become a lifestyle, life feels empty without the smoke, the work becomes less enthusiasm, lack of concentration, and less social. Although some people ignore the danger of smoking but the dangers of smoking should continue echoed both through the media and scientific research in the field of health.
A recent study conducted by Dr. Adam Gepner from the University of Wisconsin School0f Medicine and Public Health in Madison United States revealed that smoking can raise levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and lowers good cholesterol (HDL) Cholesterol is a fat yellow, produced in the liver and has several functions between another to make sex hormones that are important to the development and function of sexual organs, adrenal cortex hormones that are important for metabolism and salt balance in the body, Vitamin D to absorb calcium in the body and bile salts that help the intestines to absorb fat. HDL cholesterol carries less and capable of carrying excess bad cholesterol in the arteries to be discarded, while LDL is the bad cholesterol that tends to settle in the arteries.
Tests carried out on 1500 smokers in which each participant smoked on average 21 cigarettes per day. After one year conducted smoking cessation, of 334 respondents (36%) who stopped smoking found that levels of HDL cholesterol in the blood increased by about 5% or 2.4 mg / dL HDL cholesterol. Another effect showed that weight gain occurred an average of 10 pounds after quitting smoking. While weight gain can affect cholesterol levels as well, both good and evil and a healthy diet and regular exercise may be used as a means to overcome this weight problem. Researchers also noted that it is unclear how the process of quitting smoking can affect cholesterol levels, could be due to the destruction of proteins that function to control cholesterol levels. Whatever happens to the visible benefits of quitting smoking is a healthy heart
Author : Rendra Hanggara
Rewritten by : Edi Nugroho
Source : Seputar Indonesia Daily Newspaper
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